life of a teacher just above the arctic circle...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

letting go laughing.

let go laughing. a good friend, Karen proudly posts this on her facebook information. and thank you for that. along with "Love. Like. Crazy." it is silently leading me through my current state in life.

my life currently could be made into a sitcom. one with dry humor, and believable (yet ridiculous) and disheartening moments occurring on cue- every time.

for instance. i trained my butt off for months to run a marathon i was SO excited to do. I paid tons of money to travel a plane ride and 3 hour car ride. rented a car. and stayed in a hotel. and just when i was doing faster than my goal pace and feeling good- my knee gave way to painful tendonitis, and now i could easily pass for a knee replacement candidate when walking my students down the hall.  to top it off- my students hold my hand in the hall "so you don't fall over, ms. ray." -thank you first graders, BUT its humiliating enough to have to tell everyone how horrible the race went. you don't have to hold me up too.   (it is precious to hold a kids hand every moment of the day).

on friday, just when i realized i had forgotten to put my students papers in their friday folders and i have 15 minutes to do it before they go home a student comes to me because she had "an accident" and needed new pants. AND just when i call her mom, stop her crying, and tell her to let me know when she has to go to the bathroom another first grader runs in yelling, "ms. ray! i need new panties. i had diarrhea in mine!" much for prompt friday folders.

there is really nothing to do in either of these situations but laugh. honestly, its hilarious.

today, when i told my students they had a chance to earn 5 MARBLES! (basically christmas in september) if they could just sit down by the time i count to 9 (basically an eternity to 1st graders)...they didn't sit down. they didn't earn five marbles. BUT, i am cartain if i asked them to run around like a chicken, they would do it.

i wish i could get away with selective hearing like that..too bad i would lose my job.

speaking of my job.
i am supposed to leave on the night flight from kotzebue on oct. 22 because i can't leave inservice early. well, the night flight is full. SO...i deliberately do what i am told not to do...or i cave, and leave the next day. blah.

my first observation from my principal is friday...i'll bet that right as i get going- i'll remember i left my copies for the students on the copier--and i'll have to wing it. maybe she appreciates teachers who are forgetful, and wing it?

i guess the only thing left to do is "let go laughing"

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