life of a teacher just above the arctic circle...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

being a teacher

i love this...being a teacher that is. i have never worked so hard my whole life. last night, on my walk home from school, i calculated my number of physical hours at the school for work since i got here. In 8 days I had physically been at the school working for about 84 hours. but the great news is..i really think i am getting a handle on this teaching thing. and i sure do enjoy it.

the first five minutes was painful. so awkward..maybe not for the kids. but for me it was. but i got back into the swing of things. and we have had so much fun already. today we added dramatic gestures to a story read aloud, we marched around the room like a train. we danced to our clean-up music. we sorted insects and dinosuars and frogs. we played "magic ball" to get to know each other. we made a list of class rules: safe. kind. respectful. ready to learn.5. be happy. SMILE:)....they helped me with this. but the last rule was all on their own. its fabulous......but not everything is. after all, at any given point i have three to four kids rolling off their chairs and laying on the ground, flipping over in their chairs, getting up and trying to use the smart board instead of allowing me to, crying, running in circles, and punching their neighbor. and then i tell them they are not following our class rules. and suddenly they begin to learn again. we don't have recess until it is almost time to go home. and that kills them! and me! but we have made due thus far. we are already getting through the curriculum more smoothly than i expected to. and we are beginning to grow quite a bond as a classroom, regardless of how new it is. we work together so far. and we have a system that is beginning to arise- one that works for all of us. its not perfect- and sometimes its not pretty. but it is wonderful all the same. :)

and. it has been raining all day. its muddy. i wore my winter coat today. and i was cold at recess...i might need to do some shopping soon...REI lookout!

p.s. pictures to come on facebook! i promise! by the weekend.

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