life of a teacher just above the arctic circle...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

First Grade Mumblings (part 2) +some middle school mumblings

Since my post in September titled "First grade mumblings" I have had many requests for a second volume. Ask, and you shall receive, I will give the people what they want! But, also included this time are some middle school volleyball mumblings- because after having coached middle school volleyball for two months- I found they have quite a few funny things to say as well...

Scene: Camon and I dancing and singing BSB during Volleyball practice...
Me (to volleyball team): "Do you guys know who backstreet boys are?"
Player: "EW! My dad listens to them!"

"Ms. Ray. It is raining glass outside!" -1st grader, interpreting the arctic weather

"Ms. Ray, I am sorry I was being risdespecful." -1st grader

Wildlife presenter: "Does anyone know what hibernating is?"
Student: "It is like baby turtles."

"Ms. Ray, It is backwards day. You are the kid, and we are the adults. So YOU sit criss-cross-applesauce now!"..........(another student)..."but. Ms. Ray is a teenager." bahahahahaha.

Scene: Volleyball game vs. Kivalina
Me (to players on the court): "Ok girls, sideout right here!"
(a moment passes....)
player on bench: "What is a sideout?"

(previously in the year, weeks before, I had told my class that I had eyes in the back of my head, and I could see EVERYTHING...)
Me (to class): "1st graders, I should not need to walk backwards in the hallway just to make sure you guys are being respectful. I should not need to keep my eye on you every second. You're first graders now."
student: "but Ms. Ray, you don't need to walk backwards, you have eyes in the back of your head. Use those eyes."

scene: while standing at recess one of Ms. Baker's students comes to us real serious and says:
"Jaqlyn just called you an ass-hole, Ms. Baker! And he meant (then turns around and points to her butt and says)..."this kind!"


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