life of a teacher just above the arctic circle...

Thursday, May 5, 2011

First Grade Mumblings: The final Chapter

The year, that sometimes has gone too fast, and others too slow, is coming to a close tomorrow. I have so many emotions to go with it, but they can easily be expressed through the words of these beloved 1st graders....

"Ms. Ray, after I watch a scary movie, I always pray."

"Ms. Ray, when I am at home I poop big poops. It's the color of soldiers."
"I did. It's true."
"So, are soldiers brown or green?"
"......................?" (raised eyebrows and shoulders in complete puzzlement).

"Ms. Ray, she said this is not God's world. It's everyone's world. Is it everyone's world or God's world?"

"What kinds of things do you like to pretend to be?"
"I like to be an army guy!"
"I like to be a cheerleader!"
"Buzz Lightyear, from Toy Story 3."
"A pillow."

"I have a song....
     Tarzan swings, Tarzan falls.
     Tarzan break is mighty balls."

"You lucky ducks!"
"Oh, I am so sorry. What are you?"
-"A lucky rhino."
-"A lucky dog."
-"Lucky turtle!"

(all whispers...)
"Ms. Ray, I have a girlfriend."
"Oh my!"
"She is far away, in Wasilla."
"Her name is Piper."
"I like her name."
"Don't tell. It's our secret."

"Boys and girls, please put your folders away in your desk."
...blank stare from one boy...
"Please put your folder away."
......even blank-er stare.......
"Quick. Put your folder away so we can begin math."
......still blank...and getting really creepy with the eyes.....

"Can you use 'air' in a sentence?"
"I always fly in the air to see God......God always walk on water. God always make it winter so he can walk on the water. It's frozen."

"OH! An extra balloon! It looks just like you, Ms. Ray!" (while pointing at a giant green balloon).

"Ms. Ray, I only drink Diet." (I know this is relatively normal to hear...but from a 6 year old?)

"Ms. Ray I wish money was never invented. That way we would just get everything free."

"Ms. Ray. My baby brother is in Anchorage because he ate a nickel and a dime." week later....
"Ms. Ray, my baby brother pooped out a nickel and a dime."

At school, if the students get in trouble at recess or during school, they sometimes owe a time-out from recess. When this happens, they lean against the ramp out by the playground. One day, I was standing near one student who was doing just that....
"Ms. Ray. How come you're on the wall? Cause you're bad?"

"Next year, when you come back to school, I won't be your teacher, and you'll be in 2nd grade."
"I know."
"I am really going to miss you. Did you know that?"
Nod yes.
"May I have a hug before you go?"
Leaps into my arms, and wraps his legs around me, resting his head on my shoulder.
"Thank you."
"I am not ever letting go."
"You're going to be stuck to me forever?"
"For always"
"For always?"
"Yeah. Until tomorrow."


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